Reed hires project manager
Published Oct. 13, 2020
"I enjoy being able to show people what the future can hold for them."
Architect Jason Haslam has joined the Reed Architecture and Interiors staff to oversee all projects with Tulsa contractor Master's Plan Church Design and Construction.
Last year Reed Architecture entered a partnership with Master's Plan to help growing church congregations in multiple states meet their expansion and renovation needs. This business remained strong in 2020 despite the COVID outbreak, spurring Reed's hiring of Haslam as its Master's Plan project manager.
“Jason brings a strong skillset in visualization and lots of experience in dealing with permitting municipalities and managing multiple projects,” said Reed Architecture principal David Reed. “His passion for churches and attention to detail, along with his management skills, are a great fit as he leads up our Master's Plan projects.”
Haslam earned his architectural degree from the University of Oklahoma in 1994. His career path led him into modeling and 3D visualization.
"When I was in (Del City) high school, I bought a computer so that I could do projects with 3D modeling," said Haslam. "When I went to OU, they had all the really expensive computers to do that, so that was the direction I went in college. It just so happened that I went to firms that needed that."
This emphasis picked up steam at QuikTrip, which used Haslam's talents to help executives visualize civil grading models and prototype store interiors.

Jason Haslam
He joined Taylor Scott Architects in 2000 to build up its 3D modeling capabilities. That firm, now called SGA Design Group, extended Haslam's retail focus from convenience stores to hardware, auto parts, and large chain stores. He worked on thousands of locations for Walmart, Lowe's, Kohls, Firestone, Hobby Lobby, Sears, Toys R Us, and many other well-known brands.
“Much of that was visualization work for the team that went out to interact with municipalities to gain approval for retail projects,” he said.
Haslam found he enjoyed using models and 3D demonstrations to help clients, government leaders, or the public understand a building's potential.
"It's so much easier to relate to a picture or a model rather than sort through a complex set of construction documents," he said. "I enjoy being able to show people what the future can hold for them."
That talent will prove beneficial as Reed Architecture and Master's Plan craft architectural solutions for church clients.
"The exciting part about this work is the different personality each church has and how that goes along with the project they want to produce," Haslam said. "There is a part of every church process where they need to be able to communicate to individuals within a church what the renovation or expansion will entail and how it will work. It helps them relate to what's going on if you can show them pictures of the possibilities."
This opportunity fulfills a career goal for Haslam.
"I find that really interesting, the chance to work on church projects," he said. 'That's something I've always wanted to do."
Certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, Haslam also is a member of the American Institute of Architects.
"I spend the majority of my free time with my wife Devona and my kids and all of their school activities," he said. "I have three kids. Henry and Holly are twins and sophomores at Sapulpa High School. Aiden is a junior at Harding University."
Haslam marks the third new hire for Reed Architecture in what has proven to be a monumental year for the firm. It started 2020 celebrating its 10th year as Sparks Reed Architecture and Interiors. In March, the firm purchased a 5,000-square-foot downtown Sapulpa building for its new home. David Reed oversaw its renovation, which his firm entered in May. Cofounder Gary Sparks retired during that effort, spurring Reed Architecture to adopt its current name.
“We are very blessed to be in a position of growth during 2020,” said Reed. “Jason is a great addition to our team!”